In a groundbreaking collaboration unveiled following the fervor of COP28, Zoetic Global a vanguard in climate solutions, and Trident Global Holdings, a Seoul-based conglomerate with holdings in mining, real estate, and carbon capture technology, have inked a pivotal Joint Venture agreement aimed at carbon reduction, hydrogen energy generation and water remediation. This partnership heralds a shared commitment to amplify sustainability efforts throughout the Asian market, with South Korea as the anchor for the region.
"We are excited to embark on this transformative journey with Zoetic Global," exclaimed Chairman Yun Jong Hyeog, Chairman of Trident Global Holdings. "This collaboration aligns seamlessly with our commitment to environmental stewardship and underscores our dedication to delivering measurable impacts to our customers and stakeholders. I look forward to working with Chairman Ringo to deliver results to people from all walks of life."
"Our alliance with Trident Global represents a significant stride toward realizing our collective vision of a greener, more sustainable future. With our combined portfolios, we have an opportunity to substantially reduce emissions while catalyzing economic growth," said Zoetic Global Executive Chairman Jerome Ringo.
"Critical to Zoetic's expansion is the expertise, capacity and alignment of values of its partners. Trident Global and Zoetic are prepared to deliver solutions throughout Asia and establishing manufacturing and distribution facilities," said Zoetic Global Chief Executive Officer Avery Hong.
"Trident is committed to sustainable development and with the Zoetic partnership we believe our portfolio can move the needle on climate change. With the strong leadership of Chairman Yun and Chairman Ringo, we see a bright future together."