2H Awarded Moray West Offshore Wind Farm Integrity Management Contract

Source: www.gulfoilandgas.com 6/24/2024, Location: Europe

2H has been awarded a four-year integrity management (IM) contract for the Moray West Offshore Wind Farm.

The offshore wind farm, currently under construction in the UK’s North Sea, has been developed by Ocean Winds, a 50:50 joint venture between EDP Renewables and ENGIE. The contract’s scope covers IM for all balance of plant (BoP) equipment, including the wind turbine generators’ monopile foundations and tower structures, inter-array and export cables, and offshore and onshore substations. 2H will develop and implement integrity plans for the structural and electrical equipment at the site, aiming to optimise operating costs and preserve the condition of the assets.

2H’s engineering office in Aberdeen, UK, along with its IM division, Clarus, will execute the project. The project will benefit from Clarus’s proprietary digital IM software, iCUE, which will facilitate operational data management and visualisation of system health. The Vekta Group, based in Edinburgh, will provide specialist expertise for BoP electrical and high-voltage equipment.

“We are excited to partner with the Moray West operations and maintenance (O&M) team to implement an IM programme for their BoP equipment,” stated Ricky Thethi, Global Director at 2H. “2H and Clarus have two decades of experience managing long-term integrity programmes for offshore structures, and we believe that all stakeholders will greatly benefit from our structured, risk-based approach to IM, gaining better visibility of key risks and the ability to address integrity issues during operations.”

Jamie Dempster, Moray West Senior O&M Manager, commented: “We are delighted to have signed this agreement with 2H that will utilise their Scottish-based expertise, supported by their wider teams. 2H performed well throughout the rigorous procurement process and we welcome them onto our list of key suppliers. As Moray West moves towards its operational phase, Ocean Winds will be operating the largest capacity of offshore wind in Scotland, a great achievement demonstrating our evolution from focusing on development to focusing on energy generation.”

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