SJVN has received a Letter of Intent (LoI) from Government of Mizoram for allotment of Darzo Lui Pumped Storage Project to the company through MOU route on nomination basis.
With an installed capacity of 2400 MW, the Pumped Storage Project has been proposed across Darzo Nallah, a tributary of Tuipui river. The estimated cost of project on completion is Rs 13947.50 crores including IDC & Financing costs at April,2023 Price Level. This is the first project of the company in the state of Mizoram.
Darzo Lui Pumped Storage Project is an On- stream Closed Loop Type pumped storage project. It envisages utilization of available gross head of upper and lower reservoirs of 770 metre. The upper reservoir is proposed on a minor stream of Hnahchanglui Nallah in Koladyne Tuipui River near Village South Vanlaiphai of District Hnahthial. The lower reservoir is proposed in Darzo Nallah around 5.5 km upstream of the confluence with Tuipui river near Vertek village.
As per the LoI, an agreement shall be signed within three months between SJVN and Government of Mizoram.