United H2 Limited's CEO, Will Davidson, has been featured on Mark Bouris' Going Public Podcast, run in partnership with leading investment platform STAKE.
Mark Bouris AM (Order of Australia), one of the nation’s foremost financial advisors, founded Wizard Home Loans, Australia's second largest non-bank mortgage lender, which he sold for $500m to General Electric (GE Money).
Will provides an in-depth overview of UHL's IPO plans.
Mark Bouris said UHL is at the forefront of the hydrogen industry.
The podcast will be distributed across various channels through STAKE's and Mark Bouris' network of high-net-worth investors.
Being featured on one of Australia's leading financial podcasts, shows UHL is delivering on its mission to become a global leader in the hydrogen space.
Mark is also an Adjunct Professor of Banking and Finance and Business Law and Tax at UNSW Australia Business School.