EnerGulf Resources Inc. EnerGulf is pleased to provide updates of its projects, block 1711 Offshore Namibia. Block 1711 - NAMCOR, (the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia) has been appointed by the Block 1711 Joint Operating Committee, as interim operator replacing Sintezneftegaz Namibia Ltd. as the operator.
Sintezneftegaz Namibia Ltd. has transferred its interest in Block 1711 to Nakor Investments Limited, a company affiliated with Sintezneftegaz/Sintez Group of the Russian Federation. It is now anticipated that the geophysics/geology work program required to evaluate the Kunene #1 well data and correlate it to the existing 2D and 3D seismic should commence in the near future. This work program will evaluate the Kunene, the Hartmann and other potential prospects on the block to better understand their hydrocarbon and reservoir potential, as well as to determine possible drill locations.
Block 1711 which comprises 2.2 million acres, is situated in the Namibe basin off the
northern coast of Namibia along the international boundary with Angola. EnerGulf has a
10% working interest in Block 1711.