NYK will enhance the global management capabilities of NYK Group company Yusen Logistics Co., Ltd. (“YLK”) by shifting YLK’s global headquarters (“GHQ”) functions to Yusen Logistics Global Management Co., Ltd. (“YLGM”) from April 2025. By restructuring YLK’s current organization structure, in which the GHQ and Japan-region business coexist, and making them independent organizations with distinct roles and functions, NYK and YLK aim to achieve agile decision-making and further enhance group management.
As part of this restructuring, NYK resolved at its Board of Directors meeting held today to conduct a company split (absorption-type split) in which all shares of YLK held by NYK will be succeeded by YLGM. (For details, please refer to the IR information.)
YLK has positioned corporate transformation ("CX") as its basic strategy in the third phase of its long-term vision "TRANSFORM 2025," which was launched in 2017. In April 2024, as part of this strategy, the headquarters functions handled by five regional headquarters (RHQ) were consolidated into YLK’s GHQ to strengthen the network that directly links the GHQ and each operating company. The establishment of YLGM is intended to segregate the roles and responsibilities of the GHQ and the Japan-region business and to address the unique challenges faced by each region.