Helium Evolution Incorporated ("HEVI" or the "Company"), a Canadian-based helium exploration company focused on developing assets in southern Saskatchewan, is pleased to announce that its farm-in partner, North American Helium Inc. (“NAH”), has successfully completed drilling operations and is proceeding with casing of the joint well at 10-1-4-9W3M (the “10-1 Well”), located on lands near Mankota in Saskatchewan.
NAH will complete, test and evaluate the 10-1 Well in the coming weeks to confirm the presence of helium and assess commerciality of the potential helium discovery. The 10-1 Well is part of the previously announced development plan for up to nine wells in the Mankota area, detailed on April 2, 2024.
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Shareholders and other parties interested in learning more about the Helium Evolution opportunity are encouraged to visit the Company’s website, which includes an updated corporate presentation, and are invited to follow the Company on LinkedIn and X for ongoing corporate updates and helium industry information. Helium Evolution also provides an extensive, commissioned ‘deep-dive’ research report prepared by a third party whose background includes serving as a research analyst for several bank-owned and independent investment dealers.