GMG Reaches Market Commercialisation Milestone on Energy Savings Coating THERMAL-XR(R)

Source: 11/19/2024, Location: Asia

Graphene Manufacturing Group Ltd. ("GMG" or the "Company") is pleased to provide a business update on the commercialisation progress of THERMAL-XR® Powered by GMG Graphene.

The Singapore Green Building Council has approved THERMAL-XR to be certified as a Singapore Green Building Product (SGBP) under the category of Mechanical - ACMV - Coil Coating. It is the first thermal air conditioning coating to be approved as a SGBP - please see the attached link:

The SGBP Certification Scheme is one of the key standards and benchmarks for green building products in the building and construction industry. Products and materials certified as a SGBP are highly recognised under the Green Mark Certification Scheme, Singapore's national green building rating tool administered by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), which allows certified products to accrue points that count towards a project's Green Mark rating. The more highly rated a product is under the SGBP Certification Scheme (i.e., the more ticks it has achieved), the more points are awarded towards the Green Mark rating.

The SGBP Certification Scheme is also widely accepted by regional green building rating tools for its coverage of products' sustainability performance. Examples include GreenRE, a rating tool set up by the Real Estate & Housing Developments' Association (REHDA) of Malaysia, and LOTUS, Vietnam Green Building Council's rating tool. The SGBP Certification Scheme complies with many of the requirements in ISO 14024 Environmental labels and declarations - Type I environmental labelling.

The benefits of SGBP Certification include:

Analysis of your product's sustainability performance by experts and certification by a credible source
Opportunity and insight into how to further develop your products to be more sustainable
Greater awareness of your product for use in our current and future buildings

An overview of products that are certified sustainable
An understanding of how a product stacks up against others in terms of their sustainability performance
Easier decision-making when choosing more sustainable products

An overview of products that are certified sustainable
Data around the environmental properties of the products you use
A unique selling point for your building projects

An understanding of how sustainable the spaces you live and work in are
Health benefits of living/working in a greener building

Once a product is certified, SGBC will issue the product a certificate. Only certified products will be listed on the SGBP Certification Directory, which is maintained on the Singapore Green Building Council's website. This Interactive Directory is actively used by building industry professionals such as consultants, contractors, building developers and owners. Stakeholders can demand that products/ materials used for a building are SGBP certified. Certified products can gain credits under various green building rating tools.

GMG and Nu Calgon have submitted a Pre-Manufacture Notice ("PMN") in conjunction with its USA Environmental Protection Agency's ("EPA") application to import and sell THERMAL-XR® in the USA. The PMN application is expected to be approved in less than 12 months. The PMN application covers the use of the coating in various application methods in various industrial applications.

GMG's Managing Director and CEO, Craig Nicol, commented: "The SGBP Certification is highly welcomed and comes after many years of working with our coating and carrying out many demonstration projects in Singapore with our distribution and coating partners. We also welcome the progress on the EPA submission with our Nu Calgon distribution partner."

GMG's Chairman and Director, Jack Perkowski, commented: "THERMAL-XR® being recognised as a Singapore Green Building Product is a very good sign of all the hard work GMG has done there over the years. The USA HVAC after market for coatings is a substantial opportunity for GMG and so it is good to see the progress on the EPA submission as well."

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