TNMP, a wholly-owned subsidiary of TXNM Energy, filed an unopposed settlement yesterday in its application with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) for approval of a System Resiliency Plan.
TNMP's filed System Resiliency Plan was developed using a comprehensive and data-driven approach which evaluated various types of resiliency events posing material risk to the safe and reliable operation of TNMP's distribution system.
The settlement includes $565.8 million of capital investments over 2025 through 2027, reflecting 94 percent of TNMP's proposed plan investments. The settlement also encompasses $128.2 million of operations and maintenance expenses associated with several programs, including vegetation management and wildfire mitigation. These program costs may be deferred to the balance sheet and included in future Distribution Cost Recovery Factor filings.
The settlement is subject to PUCT approval. The filed settlement and application can be found at