Po Valley Energy Limited advises that as of Monday 16 December 2024, Po Valley
Energy Limited has changed its provider for shareholder registry services from Link Market
Services Limited to Automic Pty Ltd (“Automic”).
Our new Share registry contact details are as follows:
Level 5, 191 St Georges Tce
Perth WA 6000
GPO Box 5193
Sydney NSW 2001
Shareholders can easily and efficiently manage their holdings via Automic’s secure and highly
accessible online investor portal. The portal provides, among other things, an online interface to
update and manage shareholder details, view balances and transaction history.
Shareholder registration online
Shareholders that are not already a user of Automic’s investor portal may visit
https://investor.automic.com.au and signup to register their details using the two simple steps
provided in the setup process.
Shareholders with any queries in relation to their Po Valley Energy Limited holding are advised to
contact Automic at hello@automicgroup.com.au or on 1300 288 664 (within Australia) or +61 2
9698 5414 (outside Australia).
This announcement was approved for release by the Board of Directors of Po Valley Energy Limited