New LNG Carrier Elisa Ardea Delivered to EDF

Source: 12/19/2024, Location: Europe

The newly built liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier Elisa Ardea was officially delivered. The vessel is owned by France LNG Shipping, a joint venture between NYK and Geogas LNG,1 and under a long-term charter contract with EDF LNG Shipping.2 The vessel was built at Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries.

Elisa Ardea will be chartered to the EDF Group long-term (up to 20 years, including extension options) and will be engaged in LNG transportation under the ship management of Gazocean,3 a French ship-management company.

Elisa Ardea is propelled by, dual-fuel slow-speed diesel engines4 manufactured by WinGD and features an advanced Turbo-Brayton refrigeration system developed by Air Liquide, which efficiently utilizes surplus boil-off gas. The 174,000 cubic meter capacity membrane-type tank, designed by GTT, is constructed using high-performance insulating materials that reduce the vaporization rate.

Length overall: approx. 297.2 meters
Breadth: approx. 46.4 meters
Main engine: X-DF diesel engine
Cargo tank capacity: approx. 174,000 cubic meters / membrane type
Shipbuilder: Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
Ship's registry: France

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