One year since kicking off major efforts to replace customer-owned lead and galvanized service lines across the state, Aqua Pennsylvania has now completed replacements at 1,000 homes and businesses across the Commonwealth. These projects are a major improvement for customers in 62 municipalities throughout Pennsylvania. Customer-owned service lines are the pipes running from approximately the curb line to the homes and businesses. Aqua already treats drinking water to prevent leaching of lead into the water, but replacing these aging pipes is an extra step in reducing the risk for customers.
“This extensive project shows our commitment to protecting customers’ drinking water from contaminants like lead,” said Aqua Pennsylvania President Marc Lucca. “We look forward to working with our customers to achieve our goal of eliminating lead service lines and ensure the pipes supplying their drinking water are made of the safest materials.”
Over the course of the year, Aqua Pennsylvania has worked extensively to identify customer-owned service lines that are made of lead or galvanized. Once identified, Aqua entered into an agreement with the customer to replace their portion of the service line. Under Aqua Pennsylvania's Customer Lead Service Line Replacement Program, this restoration is done at no direct cost to the customer. A warranty is also provided on the completed work.
In 2024 to date, 241 lead and 777 galvanized service lines have been replaced as part of this ongoing effort.
Major project areas include:
- Athens Borough, Bradford County
- Bensalem Township, Bucks County
- West Chester Borough, Chester County
Much of the work done in Chester County was funded through a low-interest loan administered by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST).
These service line replacements cannot be achieved without the proper coordination with homeowners and business owners. Aqua thanks its customers for participating in this important program as we work diligently to remove lead from drinking water.
“This is a game-changing project, and we are proud to be leading the way in modernizing water infrastructure,” said Lucca. “We are only getting started and will continue to use our expertise to get the lead out across Pennsylvania.”
Aqua Pennsylvania plans to build on this effort and exceed 1,000 replacements in 2025 and beyond until all the lead and galvanized customer service lines are removed from the distribution system.