BRAVA ENERGIA S.A. (“BRAVA” or "Company"), pursuant to CVM Resolution No. 44, in continuation of the Material Fact disclosed on July 1, 2024 regarding the termination of the acquisition contract for the FPSO Cidade de Santos, hereby informs its investors and the market in general that it was notified by Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras regarding the decision, supported by contractual provision, to terminate the contract for the transfer of its entire stake in the Uruguá and Tambaú fields to the Company.
The conclusion of the acquisition of the FPSO Cidade de Santos was a precedent condition for the closing of the acquisition of Uruguá and Tambaú fields. Therefore, after the decision to terminate the contract for the acquisition of the FPSO, the Company notified Petrobras and began negotiations to terminate the acquisition process for these fields. As provided for in the contract, the amount paid as a deposit (US$ 3 million) on December 21, 2023 will be retained by Petrobras.
Finally, Brava reinforces its commitment to keep its investors and the market in general properly informed, in line with best corporate governance practices and in strict compliance with current legislation.