BRAVA ENERGIA S.A. (“BRAVA” or "Company"), pursuant to CVM Resolution No. 44, hereby informs its investors and the market in general that it has signed a natural gas supply contract with Cerâmica Serra Azul, an industry located in the state of Sergipe. The three-year contract will begin in January 2025 and provides for the supply of volumes of 77 thousand m3/day of natural gas.
The gas will be supplied by the Company's operations in Recôncavo Baiano, Espírito Santo and Rio Grande do Norte, which are integrated into different transportation networks. This is the Company's first gas contract with a free customer and reinforces Brava's objective to maximize the profitability of the gas molecules produced, as well as to diversify customers.
Cerâmica Serra Azul is part of the portfolio of companies of Carmelo Fior, a ceramics company founded in 1989. Established in Sergipe since 2010, the company has its own quarries and high-tech, precision equipment.
The Company reinforces its commitment to keep its investors and the market in general duly informed, in line with the best corporate governance practices and in strict compliance with current legislation.