The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on the proposed Valmy Lateral Pipeline Project, which would consist of a 16-mile, 24-inch buried natural gas pipeline between the existing Ruby Pipeline and the Valmy Power Plant in Humboldt County.
If approved, Pinyon Pipeline Company, LLC, could construct, operate, and maintain a new natural gas pipeline and associated above ground facilities through a mix of public and private lands in a “checkerboard” ownership area north of Valmy. The project would support conversion of the North Valmy Generating Station from a coal-fired to a natural gas-fired power plant.
Additional information is available at the BLM National NEPA Register where comments may be submitted through the “Participate Now” option (preferred). Comments may also be delivered to Attn. NV Energy Valmy, c/o BLM NVSO, 1340 Financial Blvd, Reno, NV 89502. The comment period will close January 13, 2025.