LLOG, as Operator, has advised that the Noble Valiant drillship spudded the Who Dat West
exploration well, MC 629-1, located in the offshore US Gulf of Mexico, on 24 December 2024
US Central Standard Time (CST).
Who Dat West lies approximately 31 kilometres west of the Who Dat Floating Production
System (FPS), in Mississippi Canyon Lease 629, in a water depth of approximately 740 metres
(see location map below). The well is designed to test two amplitude-supported Upper
Miocene reservoir prospects.
The well is planned to be drilled to a total measured depth of approximately 7,150 metres,
with a maximum hole inclination of 34 degrees, and is expected to take approximately 50
days to drill and evaluate.
Independent expert, Netherland Sewell and Associates, Inc., has estimated that the Who Dat
West prospect contains 77 MMboe of gross unrisked Prospective 2U Resources1
, equivalent
to 21.6 MMboe net to Karoon on a Net Revenue Interest2basis. The geological probability of
success is assessed at 36%1
ASX Listing Rule 5.28 Cautionary Statement: The estimated quantities of petroleum that may
potentially be recovered by the application of a future development project(s) relate to
undiscovered accumulations. These estimates have both an associated risk of discovery and a
risk of development. Further exploration, appraisal and evaluation is required to determine the
existence of a significant quantity of potentially moveable hydrocarbons.
The Who Dat West Joint Venture working interests in Lease 629 at the conclusion of the
drilling campaign will be as follows:
LLOG (operator) 30%
Karoon3 35%
Westlawn Americas Offshore30%
Houston Energy 5%
This announcement has been authorised by the CEO and Managing Director of Karoon Energy