The upcoming second round of H2Global green hydrogen auctions will feature separate subsidised auctions held across different continents to ensure a wide range of nations can export renewable hydrogen or its derivatives to the EU, according to Hintco, the implementing arm of the H2Global Foundation.
The European Commission granted state-aid approval for the second H2Global auction round in mid-December. The German and Dutch governments will provide up to €2.7bn and €300m of funding, respectively, to subsidise the import of renewable hydrogen and derivatives from outside the EU.
Both the EU and Germany had previously stated that the auction round would include individual purchase agreements with the lowest bidders from projects on various continents. However, Hintco clarified that there will be separate regional auctions in North America, Asia, and Africa, along with a single auction incorporating both South America and Australia.
United H2 Limited welcomes this landmark development, recognising its potential to drive innovation in hydrogen production and export markets, accelerating the global transition to clean energy.