Transocean – Transocean Enabler – operations and maintenance in the drilling areas

Source: 1/8/2025, Location: Europe

The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has carried out an audit of Transocean Services (Transocean) and their operations and maintenance in the drilling areas of Transocean Enabler. The audit identified serious breaches of the regulations and we have now issued Transocean with an order. The audit was conducted from 3 to 12 September 2024.

The objective of the audit was to assess how Transocean is ensuring compliance with the authorities’ and its own requirements in respect of operations and maintenance in the drilling areas on Transocean Enabler.

The audit identified 17 non-conformities. These concerned:

Non-conformity handling
Security clearance of activities
Maintenance programme
Training and drills
Dropped objects
Adherence to procedures
Risk analyses
Explosive goods and radioactive sources
Design and labelling
Evacuation routes

Follow-up of previous non-conformities
During the audit, we also verified how Transocean has addressed certain previously identified non-conformities.

The following non-conformity was not addressed in line with Transocean’s previous feedback:

Non-conformity 5.1.2: Rescue from personnel basket and offshore cranes - described in the report following the audit of Transocean's management of materials handling on Transocean Enabler, dated 29.09.2022.

The audit of Transocean’s operation and maintenance of the drilling areas on Transocean Enabler (Enabler) has identified non-conformities that individually and collectively constitute serious breaches of the regulations. We refer to Chapter 5 of the report; see especially non-conformities 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.4, 5.1.7, 5.1.12.

On this basis, we have now issued Transocean with the following order:

Pursuant to the Framework Regulations, section 69 concerning administrative decisions, in respect of Enabler, Transocean Services AS is ordered to:

Systematically review and map Enabler to ascertain which technical barriers are non-functional or impaired. Furthermore, take the necessary measures to rectify or compensate for missing or impaired barriers, with reference to the Management Regulations, Section 5 concerning barriers, fifth and sixth paragraphs.

Review and assess whether the management system functions as intended at Enabler, so that barrier weaknesses are identified and that necessary measures to rectify or compensate for missing or impaired barriers are put in place, with reference to the Management Regulations, section 21 concerning follow-up, first and second paragraphs, with reference in turn to section 5 concerning barriers, fifth and sixth paragraphs.

Rectify previously detected non-conformities, with reference to the Management Regulations, section 22 concerning the handling of non-conformities, second paragraph.

Present a schedule of specific measures for addressing items 1 and 2 of the order, including a description of any compensatory measures to be implemented until non-conformities have been rectified, with reference to the Management Regulations, section 12 concerning planning, and section 22 concerning the handling of non-conformities.

The deadline for complying with item 4 of the order is 21 January 2025.

The deadline for complying with items 1 to 3 of the order is 13 May 2025.

We are to be notified when the order has been carried out.

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