COSL Drilling - drilling cabin alarm management systems
Source: 1/10/2025, Location: Europe
The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has conducted an audit of the follow-up by COSL Drilling Europe (COSL) of the alarm management systems in the drilling cabin on the COSL Promotor facility.
Alarms from the control system are often the first alert that operators receive of conditions that are about to get out of control. In recent years, Havtil has conducted audits of alarm systems in central control rooms on drilling facilities, onshore facilities and production facilities. These audits have revealed numerous weaknesses in the alarm systems. We have also encountered challenges with high alarm rates and many standing alarms. This indicates that there may be deficiencies in the follow-up of the systems and how high alarm rates and many standing alarms impact on the working conditions of operators in the drilling cabin.
The objective of the audit was to verify that the drilling contractors are following up the alarm systems in accordance with the applicable regulations and internal requirements.
We identified one non-conformity relating to follow-up of the alarm systems.
What happens now?
COSL has been given a deadline of 31 January to provide us with their assessment of the improvement point observed.