Petrobras Breaks Records for Production and Processing of Pre-salt Oil in Refineries

Source: 1/17/2025, Location: South America

Petrobras' production of gasoline and S-10 diesel surpassed historical records from previous years in 2024. The total volume of gasoline produced reached 24.4 billion liters, surpassing the previous record from 2014 (24.2 billion liters). In terms of S-10 diesel production, last year, the brand broke the previous record from 2023, reaching 26.3 billion liters.

In gasoline production, the President Getúlio Vargas Refinery (REPAR), in Paraná, stood out, reaching the annual mark of 3.5 billion liters. In the production of S-10 diesel, the President Bernardes Refinery (RPBC), in the state of São Paulo, reached 3.8 billion liters.

The volume of oil processed from the Pre-Salt was also historic, reaching 70% of the total processed by Petrobras, surpassing the figure recorded in 2023, when the annual average had reached 66%.

The annual Refinery Utilization Factor (FUT) reached 93.2%, compared to 92% achieved in 2023. The FUT calculation takes into account the volume of processed oil load and the reference capacity of the refineries, within the design limits of the assets, safety, environmental and quality requirements of the derivatives produced.

The reliability and availability of the refining plants were fundamental to the performance achieved, with the indication of greater use of the refineries by the integrated planning of the Refining, Transportation, Marketing, Petrochemicals and Fertilizers (RTC) segment of Petrobras.

Lower emissions in refineries
Petrobras also reduced greenhouse gas emissions from its refining park. In 2024, the company recorded 36.1 kgCO2 per equivalent load, the lowest emissions intensity in the historical series (measurements since 2019). This prevented the burning of 475 thousand m³/day of natural gas and the emission of 365 thousand tons of CO2. This is the equivalent of taking a fleet of more than 6 thousand diesel-powered city buses or more than 60 thousand gasoline-powered cars out of circulation.

More investment in refining
Petrobras' current Business Plan foresees, by 2029, US$ 19.6 billion in investments in the RTC segment, representing an increase of 17% compared to the previous plan.

“The performance of Petrobras refineries is recognized internationally, as was the case with the recent award given by the World Refining Association to the Paulínia Refinery (REPLAN) as refinery of the year. We are improving the refining park, such as the inauguration of the Boaventura Energy Complex in Rio de Janeiro; and making important investments, such as the start-up of the atmospheric emissions abatement unit (SNOX) at RNEST in Pernambuco. These are examples of initiatives that result in the excellent overall results of Petrobras’ refining park, which is focused on efficiency, safety and profitable operation of the assets”, says William França, Director of Industrial Processes and Products at Petrobras.

Gulf Oil and Gas
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