The Port of València has started to move some of the clòtxina crops to other parts of the Port. The relocation of the ‘clotxineras’ in areas outside the works is one of the previous works contemplated by the Port Authority of València to ensure not to interfere in the production and breeding of the clòtxina and the oyster of the Port of València.
The close collaboration between the technical services of the Port Authority of València and the Agrupació de Clotxiners de València y Sagunt has made possible a coordinated transfer operation and the selection of the new locations. Of the 25 clotxiners in the Port of València, only 15 will be moved. The new locations are distributed between the area of the mouth of the Port Marina – public access area – and the North ‘Xità’ quay.
For the Agrupació de Clotxiners de València y Sagunt, ‘this is yet another move. We frequently change the location of the crops; these movements do not influence the development or growth of the clòtxina. We adapt the locations to the evolution of port activity’. For the transfer, the weather conditions and port traffic, the right time of year so as not to affect breeding and a study of anchorages for the correct mooring of the rafts, among others, have been considered.