Continuity of the process for possible sale of Onshore and Shallow Water assets

Source: 1/24/2025, Location: South America

BRAVA ENERGIA S.A. (“BRAVA” or “Company”), pursuant to CVM Resolution No. 44, following the material facts disclosed on December 27, 2024 and January 10, 2025, hereby informs its investors and the market in general that, in a meeting held on January 23, 2025, the Board of Directors deliberated on the qualified bidders for the continuation of the process of possible sale of the Company's onshore and shallow water assets.

These bidders will receive an invitation letter (Process Letter) with detailed instructions on the process, including guidelines for carrying out due diligence and subsequent submission of binding proposals.

The process will follow the Company's corporate governance flow, which will keep its investors and the market in general duly informed, in line with the best corporate governance practices and strict compliance with current legislation.

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