Central Petroleum Limited has pleasure in announcing that Mr Dalton Hallgren has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer, effective on visa requirements being met, to replace Al Thorsen in this role. Mr Thorsen has had to return to Canada due to personal family issues.
Mr Hallgren is a well qualified manager and drilling engineer, having worked extensively, inter alia, in the Marcellus, Bakken, Haynesville and Barnett shale gas and shale oil plays in the USA. He had managed the drilling of numerous horizontal multi-stage fracced wells in such plays for companies such as Halliburton Project Management, Burlington Resources, Headington Oil, St Mary, Peak, Encana, Hess, Marathon and Conoco. He also saw military service in special operations with the US Army, retiring with the rank of Captain and has extensive experience with remote desert operations both in this role as well as in oilfield operations. He has also worked extensively on international well control assignments as a specialised well control engineer with Boots and Coots.
It is planned to re-enter Surprise-1 ST1 tomorrow, Wednesday the 16th November 2011. The Surprise-1 re-entry is the first of this current liquids focussed drilling programme on Central’s acreage position including Madigan or Simpson East and Mt Kitty. The Company plans to complete the drilling and testing of Surprise-1 ST1 by about mid December 2011.