Telops Introduces Reveal D&I Gas Detection Software

Source: 4/10/2012, Location: North America

Telops, leader in the field of hyperspectral imaging systems and high performance infrared cameras for the Defense and Security, Environmental, Oil and Gas, and Industrial markets, is pleased to introduce Reveal D&I, a real-time detection software designed specifically for detection and identification of gas emissions. Reveal D&I allows to detect in real-time a large portfolio of gases simultaneously with an excellent detection rate. This powerful software also allows the visualization of a gas cloud in a scene and enables users to follow its evolution over time.

Reveal D&I is designed to be used with the Hyper-Cam for numerous hyperspectral applications including standoff detection and identification of Toxic Industrial Chemicals and Chemical Warfare Agents, measurement of flares, leak detection, pollution monitoring, and more. This interactive software also allows the visualization of the calibrated spectrum at each pixel on the real-time images as well as providing the ability to adjust detection thresholds. The detected gas clouds appear in different colours in the scene which is being observed.

This high performance, interactive, software, expands the application possibilities of the Hyper-Cam and gives the user flexible detection and analysis capabilities which are very user-friendly since users do not need to develop their own algorithms to use the instrument but can benefit from detecting an important number of gases in real-time. "This new software brings hyperspectral imaging to a whole new level as it provides the user with direct feedback from its ongoing experiments and field trials. It was also designed to make thermal hyperspectral imaging more accessible as the user needs only to focus on its application and not on the hardware." says Marc-Andre Gagnon, Hyper-Cam Product Line Manager at Telops.

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