Caspian Driller 300ft Jack-up Drilling Rig Delivered

Source: 12/14/2012, Location: Asia

Caspian Driller jack up rig was delivered at OJSC 'Krasnye Barrikady' Shipyard (hereinafter refer to as KB yard) in Astrakhan, Russia on 10 Dec 2012.

The rig was built by CIMC Raffles Offshore Ltd. at KB yard as the general contractor. TSC has successfully supplied a complete drilling package. The overall concept is based on TSC’s integrated solutions strategy; TSC provided partial design for the cantilever structure and outfitting, drilling equipment package, power control and drives, installation and commissioning of the equipment onboard Caspian Driller.

“The completion of Caspian Driller speaks volume of the engineering, project management, procurement and logistical capabilities of TSC. The only effective way to transport huge quantity of materials and large pieces of equipment into the KB yard is primarily through the Volga / Don River system, which is frozen from Nov onwards till April each year. Project team, Procurement, Logistics and Engineering worked very closely together with other functions and external stakeholders to ensure that our equipment are designed according to ABS classification standards; while making sure that TSC equipment is delivered before the Volga River freezes up for the year”, commented Mr. Binghua Jiang, Executive Chairman of TSC Group.

“We are very thankful for this opportunity in the Caspian Sea. We are confident that this is a strong beginning of a new relationship as Caspian Driller rig is the first offshore modern jack-up rig project completed in Russia in recent times. The previous project was done more than two decades ago. On a broader note, we feel that this project is instrumental in cementing friendship linkages between People Republic of China (PRC) and Russia”, Mr. Jiang added.

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