Petrochina company by the minor contractor Bohai company with a supervising of Missan oil company representing by the division of al Halfaya did the drilling of the well (HF121_M121ML) with multilateral aiming the reservoir of al Mushrif , the using of the way of directional and horizontal and the horizontal multilateral drilling and the advanced techniques which are used in such kinds guarantees to increase the speed of the drilling and decreasing the cost of the drilling and raising its averages .
In the beginning of oil industries developing, the way of horizontal drilling had bee joined as hopeful alternative for the vertical drilling and today we have the way of multilateral drilling as helpful in a special way for the horizontal drilling where the averages of productions in the horizontal wells reach to 2-5 once than in the vertical wells in the same area.
The mentioned well consists of dual laterals (lateral hole, main hole) by the technique of short radius pass through the reservoir of al Mushrif horizontally with different sides in the degree of Azimuth (the measure of the direction of hole deviation from the north in the degrees between 0_30) to increase the area of touch between the reservoir and the well as in the horizontal wells, the area of touch increases with the reservoir 10_200 once than in the vertical wells which the area of touch which represents in a small area is only the thickness of reservoir and increasing largely in the case of multilateral that leads to increase the averages of product as well as delimitate the state of water\gas coning because that the laterals would be within the produced layer , it should be note the factors of time and cost the important in the drilling of wells , when we drill a well with multilateral within main hole will save time and costs largely and this explains why the global companies directed to test the multilateral drilling because of the double products funds and decreasing the costs of well which encourage us to work with multilateral in the oil wells .