Max Petroleum Plc, an oil and gas exploration and production company focused on Kazakhstan, is pleased to announce that the UTS-10 appraisal well in the Uytas Field has successfully reached a total depth of 484 metres, with electric logs indicating a total of nine metres of net oil pay in Cretaceous and Jurassic reservoirs. This includes three metres of net oil pay in the Cretaceous Aptian section within a 40 metre interval of shows at depths ranging from 125 to 165 metres.
The UTS-10 well was drilled downdip on the flank of the structure and confirms the position of the oil water contact in the Aptian as seen in wells previously drilled in the central part of the structure. The Jurassic section includes six metres of net oil pay in a 48 metre interval with oil shows at depths ranging from 328 to 376 metres. Reservoir quality in both the Cretaceous and Jurassic sections is excellent. The shallow Albian was encountered in this well with visual oil shows noted from 46 to 58 metres. Electric logs through the Albian reservoirs suggest some oil saturation but are inconclusive due to enlargement of the wellbore in this interval. The Company plans to complete the well and then place it on test production as soon as practicable.
The Zhanros ZJ-20 rig will next move back to Block E to drill the BOR-4 well, a production well to be drilled in the Borkyldakty Field where government approval for full commercial development was received last week.
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