CGG Geo Challenger is World's First Seismic Vessel With Sercel Sentinel Solid Streamers

Source: 6/13/2006, Location: Europe

CGG has announced the launch of the Geo Challenger, the new flagship of its vessel seismic fleet. The new 3D/4D HR vessel was recently converted at a Norwegian shipyard to 12 tow-point capacity and equipped with 80 km of new Sercel Sentinel solid streamers. It is the first seismic vessel in the world to operate with this new cutting-edge solid streamer technology.

The introduction of this new multi-purpose vessel will allow the international offshore exploration community to benefit from its flexibility to perform the full range of high-resolution, wide-azimuth 3D/4D acquisition services. The Geo Challenger is currently conducting its first campaign in the North Sea and is scheduled for the Asia-Pacific region later in the year.

Christophe PETTENATI AUZIERE, President of Geophysical Services, commented: “ These advanced vessels are specifically designed to meet industry demand for ever improved seismic images by offering the very best in offshore acquisition capability based on CGG’s Eye-D technology solutions.”

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