Pemex Installs Tsimin-Xux Production Platform

Source: 11/25/2014, Location: South America

Petroleos Mexicanos platform installed CA-Coast-A compression in the development project Tsimin-Xux, which will accelerate the production of oil and gas. This is the first platform to be placed in the Gulf of Mexico by float over method, suitable for shallow waters.

This structure, with a capacity of separation of 200,000 barrels of oil and 600 million cubic feet of gas per day, is strategic to comply with production schedules, as it will compress the gas from various producing fields in the Region Southwest Marine. Your compressibility equals one week of total gas consumption of Veracruz.

The platform was built in Mexican courts by the company Dragados Offshore de Mexico; has a height of 53 meters and more than 14,000 tons, equivalent to more than half the total weight of the Pemex Tower in Mexico City 50 story weight.

It is integrated by an oil separator and gas three turbocharger modules high pressure, two dewatering plant high pressure gas three turbogenerators, two floors sweetening sour gas, a burner for high gas octapodo type platform high pressure and emergency power generator, plus ancillary services facilities.

In Tsimin-Xux project was reduced by 50 percent the time of discovery-input production of a standard seven to three and a half years. This project failed to reach its goal of 100 thousand barrels of crude oil daily production, five months before the planned program.

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