The Mariner oil field lies within part-block 9/11a of the United Kingdom Continental Shelf. The contract with Statoil includes building supervision in Korea, pre-operation activities, transit from Korea to site, and full management services on site. The contract, which commences on 1st of February, is a long-term contract with a fixed duration of five (5) years with further option periods of three (3) x two (2) years.
OSM Offshore Aberdeen Limited (hereafter referred to as OSM) considers this contract to be a great win after a comptetive bid in Statoil's tender process in the UK, demonstrating the company's experience, competence and quality.
“We saw a considerable interest for this contract from a broad range of qualified bidders,” says Johan A. Johansen, Vice President Operations on Mariner for Statoil UK. “We are very satisfied with the agreement now entered into with OSM, ensuring us a competent service provider and long-term quality services at competitive terms. This contract award is underpinning our goals for competitive unit production costs on the Mariner field,” Johansen says.