SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan) plans to select a contractor to perform EPC-contract for the construction of polyethylene production within the framework of SOCAR Polymer project by late summer 2015, said the Russian media with reference to the Deputy Director General of SOCAR Polymer Emil Eminov.
He said that INEOS Company has been selected as the licensor of polyethylene production project.
"It is expected to start the selection of EPC-contractor in the near future," said Eminov. "The tender is scheduled for completion by the end of summer. We expect the signing of the contract in August-September."
He went on to add that the Technimont Company, which will perform the EPC-contract on the project of polypropylene production, is also among the number of applicants.
The company Fluor has been invited as a contractor for the management of the mentioned projects (PMC-contractor).
SOCAR Polymer project is implemented in Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park. This project implementation will make it possible to produce 180,000 metric tons of polypropylene and 120,000 metric tons of polyethylene per year. Production of the propylene polymer is expected to begin in 2016.
Most of the production is planned to be sent to markets of Turkey and countries of Western Europe.