FSU Oil Trade - May 2015

Source: OPEC 6/10/2015, Location: Europe

Total crude oil exports from the former Soviet Union (FSU) increased in March by 88 tb/d or 2% to average 4.2 mb/d. Crude exports through the Russian pipeline increased as well, by 31 tb/d or 0.5% to average 6.7 mb/d.

Total shipments from the Black Sea rose by 9 tb/d or 1% to average 692 tb/d. This drop came as the result of a slight increase in exports through Novorossiysk port. Total Baltic Sea exports dropped by 15 tb/d in March, as shipments from Primorsk port terminal declined, though the drop was offset by increased exports from Ust Luga port terminal where they were up by 15 tb/d from the previous month. Total shipments over the Druzhba pipeline rose by 90 tb/d to average 1,140 tb/d, while shipments through Kozmino increased by 13 tb/d or 3% to average 624 tb/d.

Exports through the Lukoil system went up slightly by 4 tb/d and 6 tb/d from the previous month in the Barents and Baltic Seas, respectively.

Other routes showed a drop in March from one month before, with the exception of the Mediterranean Sea. Russian far east total exports were down by 12 tb/d or 4% from the previous month, as exports from De Kastri port terminal declined by 23 tb/d to average 207 tb/d.

On the other hand, FSU total product exports increased by 96 tb/d or 3% from the previous month to average 3.7 mb/d. This gain in product exports came as a result of a decline seen in gasoline, jet and fuel oil.

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