Petrobras hereby announces the conclusion of the sale of a 49% interest in Petrobras Gas S.A. (Gaspetro) to Mitsui Gas e Energia do Brasil Ltda (Mitsui-Gas).
Gaspetro is a holding company that consolidates Petrobras’ interests in the state natural gas distributors.
The transaction was concluded today through the payment of R$1.93 billion by Mitsui-Gas, following compliance with all the conditions precedent envisaged in the Share Purchase Agreement entered into on October 23, 2015, including the definitive approval, without reservations, by CADE, Brazil’s antitrust authority.
The transaction, undertaken through a competitive process, is part of the Divestment Program envisaged in the 2015-19 Business and Management Plan and allowed the achievement of US$ 0.7 billion target set for 2015, as announced on 05/10/2015.
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