JDR Wins IWOCS Contract by Aker Solutions Subsea Division

Source: www.gulfoilandgas.com 3/1/2016, Location: Europe

JDR, the leading UK-based supplier of subsea umbilicals and power cables to the offshore energy industry, has been awarded a contract for intervention, workover and control systems (IWOCS) by Aker Solutions Subsea Division. The project – which is scheduled for delivery in summer 2016 – will include the first deployment of JDR’s innovative ‘Mark II Reeler’ concept.

The scope of supply includes two x 1200 metre umbilicals, which provide annulus circulation function to subsea systems. Both umbilicals will be supplied on JDR’s new ‘Mark II Reeler’ technology. The new innovative reeler design will provide customers with a significant reduction in size versus conventional reelers, saving valuable deck space, as well as a lower weight for lifting and handling. The reeler, which has no impact on umbilical capacity, will also lower costs due to reduced materials. In addition, the new design includes a number of key safety features such as improved operator access and compliance with DNV lifting requirements.

David Currie, CEO of JDR, comments: “JDR has collaborated with customers to create a custom engineered reeler design that provides a number of operational benefits. In addition, the new design provides easier access to control panels within the reeler, enabling safer operations offshore. We are delighted to partner with Aker Solutions on this project.”

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