CGG Completes Phase 1 Processing for Davros Survey

Source: 9/22/2016, Location: Not categorized

CGG announced that the final pre-stack depth-migrated data for Phase 1 of its Davros 3D BroadSeis™ and BroadSource™ multi-client survey in the Northern Carnarvon Basin on the North West Shelf of Western Australia is available now. With over 6,400 km2 already acquired, Davros is the largest multi-client seismic program ever to be acquired and processed by CGG in the Asia-Pacific region.

The survey has been processed by CGG’s Perth and Melbourne centers, using the company’s latest high-end subsurface imaging technology including pre-stack depth migration (PSDM) and advanced demultiple algorithms to provide the highest-resolution images. Processing of Phase 2 of the survey is expected to be completed by the fourth quarter of 2016.

Sophie Zurquiyah, Chief Operating Officer, Geology, Geophysics & Reservoir, CGG, said: “As we anticipated, the new broadband data from our Davros survey is delivering deeper and clearer images than previously seen in this area. As a result of the exceptional penetration power of the BroadSeis low frequencies, at least 20 km of sediment is visible. When combined with our advanced imaging technologies, this new data shows exceptional clarity of the deep geological structure and dramatically enhances understanding of this prospective area.”

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