Trans Mountain Signs MoUs for Expansion Project

Source: 9/6/2017, Location: North America

Kinder Morgan Canada Limited is pleased to announce that Trans Mountain has selected or signed memorandums of understanding with six contractors with experience delivering pipeline and major infrastructure projects in British Columbia and Alberta, in anticipation of planned construction activities in September 2017. The pipeline construction and associated terminal expansions are expected to take approximately 28 months to complete, with the work distributed among several spreads, or sections, along the route between Edmonton, Alberta and Burnaby, BC.

The contractors will directly hire the individuals and sub-contractors needed for each contract and scope of work. This will include union, non-union and Aboriginal workers and will be in accordance with Trans Mountain’s commitment to maximize employment opportunities for Aboriginal, local and regional communities. As part of its negotiated commitment with the BC Government, Trans Mountain has committed to a “British Columbians first” policy for hiring and contracting work within BC, giving the first opportunity to qualified and competitive BC companies.

“Getting the construction contractors on board represents a significant milestone for Trans Mountain and demonstrates our commitment to delivering the Project in a timely, cost-effective manner,” says Ian Anderson, President of Kinder Morgan Canada Limited. “We’re pleased with the caliber and experience of the contractors. Each contractor was chosen for its expertise in delivering quality work and the individual needs and complexities of each portion of the Project.”

The following is a list of contractors that have been selected or signed MOUs, in anticipation of executing final definitive agreements with each contractor:

Spreads 1 & 2: Edmonton/Yellowhead

- Contractor: Midwest Pipelines Inc.
Spreads 3 & 4: North Thompson

- Contractor: Ledcor Sicim Limited Partnership
Spread 5A: BC Interior

- Contractor: Surerus Murphy Joint Venture
Spread 5B: Coquihalla – Hope

- Contractor: Macro Spiecapag Joint Venture
Spread 6: Fraser Valley

- Contractor: Somerville-Aecon Energy Group
Lower Mainland

- Contractor: Kiewit Ledcor TMEP Partnership
Lower Mainland scope includes Spread 7, Burnaby Mountain tunnel and three terminals: Westridge Marine Terminal, Burnaby Terminal and Sumas Terminal.

“We value and take great pride in the relationships we’ve built with communities as we’ve developed the Project and through our almost 65 years of operations,” added Anderson. “Trans Mountain will work collaboratively with these companies to partner on public engagement activities, address concerns and incorporate feedback throughout the construction process.”

Over the course of developing the Project, Trans Mountain has engaged with landowners, neighbours, Aboriginal communities and other stakeholders. Their input and feedback has been considered and incorporated widely into the Project and engagement will continue through the construction and post-construction phases.

The $7.4 billion expansion project will result in direct and lasting economic benefits to Canada and communities along the pipeline corridor. Overall, the Conference Board of Canada estimates the Project will generate $46.7 billion in government revenues and 802,000 person years of employment, the equivalent of 37,000 jobs each year, over more than 20 years.

Trans Mountain continues to proceed with Project planning, permitting, engagement and design required to meet NEB and BC Government Conditions and necessary local permitting. Construction activity is expected to begin in September 2017, with the pipeline expected to be in operation at the end of 2019.

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