Pampa Energ?a S.A. (Pampa) announces the commencement of construction of two new wind farms in the Province of Buenos Aires, which will aggregate an installed capacity of 100 MW and will demand an estimated investment of US$140 million.
These projects will be developed under the new regulation framework for the Term Market from
Renewable Energy Sources (‘MAT ER’), issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mining through
Resolution No. 281/17, and by which the Wholesale Electricity Market Company (‘CAMMESA’)
granted the dispatch priority for wind farm projects named ‘Pampa Energ?a’ and ‘De la Bah?a’,
targeted at the market of Large Users by selling power provision agreements between private
The priority allocation of 28 MW for ‘De la Bah?a’ and 50 MW for ‘Pampa Energ?a’ will ensure
dispatch for both wind farms and therefore, will guarantee the provision to our clients who have
chosen to comply with their obligation of fulfilling electricity demand with renewable sources of
energy coming from our wind farms.
The Pampa Energ?a wind farm will be placed nearby Corti wind farm, with an installed capacity of
100 MW, which is located 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the City of Bah?a Blanca and will be
commissioned in May of this year. Moreover, the De la Bah?a wind farm will be built in the Coronel
Rosales area, 25 kilometers (16 miles) from Bah?a Blanca.
It is worth highlighting the wind quality of both projects’ area, which fosters a load factor higher
than 50%. Moreover, it is scheduled the installation of 15 wind turbines in each farm.
The new capacity of 100 MW to be developed, in addition to the Corti wind farm which is currently
under construction, add up as of today 200 MW of renewable sources’ power capacity developed
by Pampa.
Therefore, once all expansion projects are commissioned, the total installed capacity
that Pampa Energ?a will contribute to the Argentine grid will amount to 4.4 GW.