Andalas Energy and Power has announced an operations update on the Betun Selo KSO in Sumatra, Indonesia, in which it has a production interest further to the agreement announced on 21 June 2019. The Company is currently undertaking a 4-well workover programme on the project.
The Betun field is currently producing 84.8 barrels of oil per day (bopd) gross.
• BTN 01: currently producing at a most recently tested rate of 10.4 bopd. This well was put back on production yesterday following further work on the pump which is now being operated at a reduced rate pending commissioning of the water disposal facilities referred to below. A further update will be provided as set out below.
• BTN 03: currently shut-in. Permits to enable the perforating gun explosives to be transported from Subang, West Java to Prabumulih have been issued and the explosives are being moved to the storage bunker. A further permit will be required to move the explosives from the bunker to site. A further update will be provided in due course.
• BTN 04: currently producing at a most recently tested rate of 44.0 bopd.
• BTN 14: currently producing at a most recently tested rate of 30.1 bopd.
• Following the workovers of both BTN 01 and BTN 14, produced water rates have increased significantly requiring both wells to be cut back to the current rates until a larger water injection pump (4,500 bfpd), currently being commissioned, is fully operational, which will take the installed water injection pumping capacity from 2,000 bfpd to 6,500 bfpd. Additional tankage is also being sourced. A further update will be provided after the new water injection pump has been commissioned and pumping rates have been increased and tested.
Andalas Energy, CEO, Simon Gorringe said: 'We are pleased with progresss at Betun Selo. The work programme is delivering results and we look forward to getting on with the workover of BTN 03.'