Omsk Refinery Will Increase Production of Winter Diesel Fuel

Source: 2/5/2020, Location: Asia

The Gazprom Neft Omsk Refinery has completed installation of major equipment at its new diesel-fuel hydrotreatment and dewaxing unit construction site. This column equipment produced by Uralkhimmash and Uraltechnostroy-Tuimazykhimash has been designed for final purification of feedstocks prior to shipment of the finished product.,The new facility will increase production of Euro-5 Arctic diesel fuels. Total investment in building the 2.5-million-tonne per-year facility stands at RUB17.5 billion. The project is scheduled for completion in 2021, and forms part of the full-scale modernisation of the Omsk Refinery, under implementation by Gazprom Neft since 2008.

The technological equipment installed at the site — stripper and vacuum columns — stand at 35 and 30 metres in height, respectively, with a total mass of 100 tonnes. The commissioning of this new facility forms part of a comprehensive plan of initiatives under the federal “Clean Air” project, the environmental benefits of which will facilitate the decommissioning of two outdated facilities.

«Russian technologies are being proactively utilised in modernising production facilities at the Omsk Refinery. Our longstanding partnership with leading domestic technological equipment producers is giving new impetus to developing domestic machine production and promoting ongoing efficiency improvements, as well as improving environmental friendliness in oil refining».

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