Anglo African Oil & Gas plc announces that, further to the guidance provided by AIM Regulation in "Inside Aim" on 26 March 2020, the Company has been granted an extension of up to three months for the reporting and filing of its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2019, such that it will publish these results as soon as possible, but by no later than 30 September 2020.
Due to the current restrictions imposed by the Government of the Republic of the Congo in respect of Covid-19, the Company's auditor is unable to conduct the audit of the Company's former subsidiary Anglo African Oil & Gas Congo ("AAOGC"). As AAOGC was a material subsidiary in the context of the group accounts to 31 December 2019, the Company's auditor will also be unable to sign off on the Company's group accounts until the audit of AAOGC has been completed. The Government of the Republic of the Congo has applied a 3 month extension to the deadline for companies to submit accounts for the year ending December 2019 from the end of May 2020 to the end of August 2020 to allow work to be completed at a time when it is hoped restrictions have been lifted.