Three Modern Dredging Vessels of FSUE “Rosmorport” Operate in Kaliningrad

Source: 2/5/2021, Location: Asia

Three modern and powerful dredgers of FSUE “Rosmorport” began dredging works in the Kaliningrad Sea Canal after a break caused by ice formations.

The dredgers Yuri Maslyukov, Severnaya Dvina and Beloye More are now in operation. They will have to extract about 1.3 million cubic meters of soil.

According to preliminary plans, the volume of repair dredging of FSUE “Rosmorport” in 2021 will be about 8.3 million cubic meters of soil. 13 vessels of the dredging fleet of the enterprise are already involved in the operations.

In 2020, FSUE “Rosmorport” provided navigation parameters for water areas and approach channels at 49 facilities in 22 seaports of Russia, performing dredging in the amount of 7.8 million m3.

Gulf Oil and Gas
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