Fuel-Shipment Capacity Gets a Boost at Gazprom Neft’s Moscow Refinery

Source: www.gulfoilandgas.com 2/1/2021, Location: Asia

Installation of equipment for a new automated timed-loading unit for rail despatch of light petroleum products has started at Gazprom Neft’s Moscow Refinery. This project forms part of an integrated fuel-shipment infrastructure modernisation programme, itself part of the Moscow Refinery’s ongoing development since 2011. The new terminal has a throughput capacity of 2.1 million tonnes of oil products per year. Investment in building this automated timed-loading unit stands at RUB4.2 million.

Construction works are expected to finish in 2022. The future terminal will replace the existing obsolete system, which will be dismantled Modern hermetically-sealed technology eliminates any possibility of oil products getting into the environment: the facility’s vapour-recovery control system being designed to capture all vapour emissions and return these to the plant’s production process.

The Moscow Refinery’s dispatch infrastructure also includes a state-of-the-art trunk petroleum-products pipeline and a cutting-edge automated road-transport loading terminal.

Capacity at the new terminal will allow gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel to be loaded simultaneously into four tank-cars. Every unit within the facility is equipped with a highly accurate control system which includes a function for measuring volumes dispensed, and protecting against overfilling. The project meets stringent industrial safety standards and is equipped with an integrated security system.

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