Petrobras, following up on the press release disclosed on March 15, 2021, informs that the People Committee of the company's Board of Directors met on this date to analyze the appointment of Mr. Joaquim Silva e Luna for the positions of Member of the Board of Directors and CEO of Petrobras.
It was recognized by the Committee, functioning as the Eligibility Committee provided for in Article 21 of Decree No. 8,945/16, the fulfillment of the requirements provided for in Law No. 13,303/16, Decree No. 8,945/16 and in the Petrobras Senior Management Nomination Policy, as well as the non-existence of prohibitions, for Mr. Joaquim Silva e Luna to be elected as a Member of the Board of Directors at the Extraordinary General Meeting on April 12, 2021 and subsequently as the company´s CEO by the Board of Directors, allowing the shareholders and the Board of Directors to assess the fulfillment of subjective requirements in addition to those provided for in the legislation.
The details of the Committee's manifestation can be found in the full minutes of the meeting, which will be available for consultation by the shareholders in 7 (seven) working days on the Petrobras Investor Relations website.