The feasibility analysis regarding the construction project for the Soyuz Vostok gas trunkline was approved. The analysis was performed by Gazprom within the framework of the comprehensive feasibility analysis regarding the project for pipeline supplies of Russian gas across Mongolia to China. The Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline will become an extension of Russia's Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline in Mongolian territory.
In the course of the feasibility analysis, the basic technical and technological parameters of the project were established. These include the optimal route for the gas pipeline in Mongolian territory, the pipeline's length and diameter, the working pressure, and the number of compressor stations. The preliminary indicators reflect the cost effectiveness that needs to be achieved during the implementation of the project.
As planned, the feasibility study regarding the construction project for the Soyuz Vostok gas trunkline (including a detailed breakdown of investment and operating costs) will be developed before the end of this year. This is indicated in the action plan of the Joint Working Group of Gazprom and the Government of Mongolia. The feasibility study is being prepared by the Gazoprovod Soyuz Vostok special-purpose vehicle.
In December 2019, Gazprom and the Government of Mongolia signed a Memorandum of Understanding. A Joint Working Group was created under the Memorandum.
On March 11, 2021, the action plan of the Joint Working Group for 2021–2022 was approved.
In early 2021, a special-purpose vehicle named Gazoprovod Soyuz Vostok was registered in Mongolia. The company was established with the purpose of performing design and survey works and conducting a feasibility study regarding the construction project for the Soyuz Vostok gas trunkline.
The export capacity of the Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline might become more than 1.3 times higher than that of Power of Siberia. This will enable exports of large amounts of gas from Western Siberia not only westward but also eastward.