KARMOL's first Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) has arrived in Dakar, marking a major step forward in KARMOL's LNG-to-Power project to supply reliable, affordable, and cleaner energy to Senegal.
The FSRU travelled from Singapore, where it was constructed in a 50/50 joint venture between Karpowership and Japanese firm Mitsui OSK Lines, called KARMOL. This is the first completed FSRU from the KARMOL partnership.
The FSRU, KARMOL LNGT POWERSHIP Africa, arrived in Senegalese waters on 31st of May and will be positioned at its mooring location to commence the commissioning process.
The vessel will connect to a Powership, a floating power plant, owned by Karpowership, through gas pipelines. The Karadeniz Powership Aysegül Sultan, has a capacity of 235MW and has been in operation since October 2019, supplying 15% of Senegal's electricity with 220MW of power to Senegal's grid.
KARMOL sees the combination of FSRUs and Powerships as a ground-breaking solution in their mission to bring LNG utilized power generation to countries with no natural gas infrastructure or supply.
The FSRU, which was developed by Sembcorp Marine in Singapore, is 272 meters long and has a capacity of 125, 470 cubic meters. The FSRU arrives with a supply of LNG on board and the first refuelling will be carried out by Shell in July.
This is a landmark moment in KARMOL's plans to help provide stable electricity powered by efficient, cleaner fuels to many more countries in the region and throughout the globe. LNG is widely recognized as a fuel of the future. It's much cleaner than other fossil fuels, it is a sustainable, affordable way of meeting power needs, and fast-tracks the energy transition as countries embark on a longer-term switch to renewables.
SENELEC by contracting with KARPOWERSHIP is in perfect coherence with its Gas to power strategy and is thus preparing to anticipate the conversion of certain units which will be ready to use GAS as soon as it becomes available.