JOGMEC has agreed with the Province of Alberta, Canada, to promote further cooperation in CCS, hydrogen and fuel ammonia production, etc., The MOU was signed on October 26, 2021. With this agreement, we aim to contribute to the supply of clean energy to Japan.
The province of Alberta is rich in natural resources, particularly in oil and natural gas resources. In the field of carbon capture and storage (CCS), Alberta is internationally recognized as a leader, with a well-developed business environment including legal framework and carbon pricing system.
JOGMEC keeps a close cooperative relationship in the energy sector with Alberta. The agreement stated above, aims to strengthen strategic cooperation by adding items that contribute to decarbonization, such as CCS, hydrogen, and fuel ammonia production, to the existing scope of cooperation. JOGMEC will promote mutual cooperation with Alberta in cooperation with Alberta Jobs, Economy and Innovation, Alberta Energy and the Invest Alberta Corporation, to resolve issues in these areas and contribute to the supply of clean energy to Japan, through business support for Japanese companies.