GTT Receives Order from HSHI for Tank Design of 4 New LNG Carriers

Source: 5/31/2022, Location: Asia

GTT announces that it has received, in May 2022, an order from its Korean partner shipyards Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) and Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries (HSHI) for the tank design of four new LNGCs[1]. Two of these LNGCs will be built by HHI and the two others will be built by HSHI on behalf of the same Asian ship-owner.

GTT will design the tanks of the vessels, which will offer a cargo capacity 174,000 m3 and will be fitted with the Mark III Flex membrane containment system, a technology developed by GTT.

The vessels will be delivered between the first and the fourth quarters of 2025.

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