Gas Discovery At Umair South East-l Well in Guddu Block, Sindh, Province, Pakistan
Source: 6/15/2022, Location: Asia
The Joint Venture of Guddu Block Comprising Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) as Operator (70%), SPUD Energy PTY Limited (SEPL) (13.5%), IPR Transoil Corporation (IPRTOC) (11.5%) & Government Holdings (Private) Limited (GHPL) (5%) has discovered Gas from an Exploratory well namely Umair South East # 01, which is located in District Ghotki, Sindh Province.
Umair South East # 01 was spudded-in 09th May, 2022 as an exploratory well to test the hydrocarbon potential of Pirkoh Formation and Habib Rahi Limestone (HRL) to planned depth of ±785m into HRL. The well was drilled down to 790m into HRL. Based on the results of wireline logs interpretation, successful Drill Stem Test-1 in HRL has tested 1.063 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD) Gas through choke size 32/64'' at Well Head Flowing Pressure (WHFP) of 210 Pounds per Square Inch (PSi).
The discovery of Umair South East-1 is the result of aggressive exploration strategy adopted by Guddu Joint Venture Partners. It has opened a new avenue and will positively contribute in mitigating energy demand and supply gap from indigenous resources and will add to the hydrocarbon reserves base of OGDCL and of the country.