Petrobras informs that the Eligibility Committee (CELEG) resumed the meeting, started on 07/07/2022, to finalize the analyses of the candidates for the Board of Directors nominated by the controlling shareholder: Mr. Gileno Gurjão Barreto (also nominated as Chairman of the Board); Mr. Edison Antônio Costa Britto Garcia; Mrs. Iêda Aparecida de Moura Cagni; Mr. Jônathas Assunção Salvador Nery de Castro; Mr. Márcio Andrade Weber; Mr. Ricardo Soriano de Alencar; and Mr. Ruy Flaks Schneider and the candidates nominated by minority shareholders: Mr. José João Abdalla Filho and Mr. Marcelo Gasparino da Silva, based on the company's governance rules and applicable legislation.
After CELEG's manifestation, the indications will be considered in an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors, which will also deliberate on the calling of the Extraordinary General Meeting.
After the manifestation of CELEG, the indications will be considered in an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors, which will also deliberate on the calling of the Extraordinary General Assembly.
The details of the Eligibility Committee's manifestation may be found in the full minutes of the meeting, which will be available for consultation within 7 (seven) working days on Petrobras' Investor Relations site (