Developing a Suite of Predictive Maintenance Software Tools for FPSOs/FPUs

Source: 7/12/2022, Location: North America

Radix Engineering and Software and Shape are collaborating at both a strategic and tactical level with a mutual goal being to sustain cash flow certainty and mitigate EHS impact for our FPSO/FPU clients using state-of-the-art digital innovations.

Currently they are developing a unique software suite of predictive maintenance tools focused on client FPSO/FPU operations to optimize production and mitigate unplanned stoppages and downtime. The suite utilizes data contextualization and machine learning algorithms, plus embedded process, extensive mechanical engineering intelligence, and experience from actual FPSO/FPU operations. The unified operational experience is a differentiator.

Specifically, Radix is applying FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) methodology to FPSO/FPU operations, monitoring symptoms and signals that are frequently the first sign of potential failure. In parallel, Shape is providing data management tools to deliver a holistic view of the FPSOs’ maintenance status to the operators. This data helps determine KPIs and variables that must be monitored during operation to anticipate potential problems, better plan interventions, to reduce downtime, and maintenance costs, and extend equipment life.

The next challenge is to map/model FPSO/FPU flaring systems with the goal being to predict potential process upsets and take corrective action to prevent flaring all in the pursuit of ZERO Flaring.

“We are extremely honored to strengthen this relationship with Radix, a leading technology company. This new predictive maintenance tool reinforces our capacity to deliver meaningful bottom-line impact through the usage of data to top market players,” said Henrique Domakoski, VP of Marketing and Sales at Shape.

Gulf Oil and Gas
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